Saturday 24 September 2011


Technically, this is my 5th year of undergraduate study (which is beyond ridiculous), so I'm very used to this so-called lifestyle. I generally know how things work, without being too involved - though I suspect the SU will forever remain a mystery - and I doubt there's anything that would surprise me now. Yet still, every year that I've been at Kent, I've gone to the Fresher's Fayre. It's just nice to see what's going on/ which societies are active. And I got to see some old acquaintances and Madeira (my old capoeira teacher) again after nearly 2 years! This, plus the glorious sunshine, made the crowds forgiveable. Here's a little taster:

The Fencers, and people queueing for coffee, outside the Venue
Inside the main marquee. Table after table vying for attention/new members

...Pretty self-explanatory. Didn't expect the pony though.
The crowd outside the 2nd marquee



Other then the first term of the first year, I really haven't gone to any societies. And since I'm supposed to be especially busy this year, I doubt I'll manage it this time either. But it's that energy, again, that I thrive on. Seeing people so enthusiatic about what they're doing. It's a great thing. I always want to learn new skills; maybe I just don't have the drive. Or the money. It always comes down to money. We'll see. I signed up to lots, not decided which ones I can 'fit in' or that I'm really bothered with.

I finished off the week by going to the 'Alternative Fresher's Ball' (not a ball at all by the way - that's kind of the point. I think some people missed it). This was organised by the Rock Soc - something else I always considered joining. Again though, I can't match their enthusiasm for music. And for the most part, it's metal they're into. I don't really like metal. Unless it's live. You can really feel it then. On this occasion there were 5 live acts. Me and Kay missed the first, and only went up to really watch 2 of the others. Being on the backburners for these kinds of things is no fun. Yeah, I'm not a mosher anymore, but I want to see everything! I'm really glad we got up to the front for the final act - Kyrbgrinder. They were something else. Music I could actually hear above the noise, involved with their audience, and a lead singer/drummer who can do some tricks on top of what is already quite impossible! Now that's skill.

Kyrbgrinder. Doesn't the bassist look reminiscent of Courtney B. Vance?
Apparenty Andreea (my final housemate who I haven't met yet) is also into this kind of thing. I really hope we go to see more live acts this year. In general I hope I'm more involved this year. I should plan some stuff out. Not today, today I'm too tired. That walk to and from campus is a killer as it is - try doing it twice in a day, both times after already being on your feet for hours! The distance to my house could prove to be a problem...

I have sort of missed one of the main purposes of societies: to meet people. People you have things in common with. That event was not the right setting for conversation, so it didn't happen. Maybe it wouldn't have, anyway, because like I mentioned, I don't share a passion for music. Or for anything. What am I passionate about? Do I just need a quick thrill every now and then? Maybe I actually will go to the caving society - the idea of it terrifies me, but maybe that's good.
I swear, my whole life is just this huge grey blur of things unknown...

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