Thursday 12 January 2012


As of this Sunday, I've been back in Canterbury. This is good news. Never, before this year, have I wanted to be away from home so much (aside from when I was in Japan, for obvious reasons... until the earthquake etc. Either way, that year changed a lot in me!). Anyway, that means I could get back to being productive. It's not been perfect, I must admit, but really just so much better.

Today, for instance, I haven't really worked on my project at all. I've gone through what notes I have on my reading already, and realised that I'm not even half way to what I need research wise (perhaps a quarter, at a stretch). In fact, I added 3 references yesterday, so I think it can be done quite quickly if I can find the sources. It's a peculiar state to be in, being both confident and panicked. The most exciting development so far is that I may be able to get some direct information about the Native American Church, as a friend of mine has a Navajo friend who is a member. She's going to pass along my questions, and hopefully he'll be comfortable answering them (it was noted that religion/spirituality is a really sensitive topic; I'm aware of this, but I can't avoid it if that's what I'm studying). I'm very lucky to be able to do this though - even though he's Navajo and they aren't my focus, I think it should be useful. Anything I can learn from is good. Which has persuaded me to contact more people. I'll look into it tomorrow. I have already been looking for NAC websites, but only seen a couple, and I question the legitimacy of one I did contact. So maybe it will be academics I contact rather than participants. That will still work. Still, it's a shame I didn't read more (remember those 2 books I mentioned I hadn't quite gotten through? Yeah... still not finished with them).

I applied for another job today as well (after realising I'd missed another deadline for an application I was very nearly done with - that's quite infuriating, I was so sure I had time!) In fact, Ive already been invited for a telephone interview for a job I applied for on Monday. So things are looking up. Best not to dwell on the fact that these jobs aren't exactly a passion of mine, but not knowing exactly what I want to do anyway means that I can't really achieve that. It doesn't mean I won't enjoy the jobs I've applied for; it's just that they're in business, which is quite intimidating, and I'm wondering how involved with people I'll actually be allowed to be - will I just have to meet the business' demands? I hope we're not going the way America has gone: corporations are not people!
*sucks it up* An opportunity is an opportunity. If I don't take it, what's going to happen? Nothing.

I have to be more careful about what I write. I'm not sure that I do want to go into journalism, as nice as it would be to be published, but I have mentioned this blog in job applications a couple of times. It's hardly professionally written. I know there are typos, and I'm revealing all my weaknesses, and I think most stupidly of all, I've mentioned people that I probably shouldn't have by name. Maybe I ought to change that.

Well, it's nearly Friday. As productive as the above apperas, especially in comparison with the last however long, it's not enough. Really just gotta get on with it. But also have to leave the house tomorrow. Campus bound, then? What of the rest of tonight... well, every night so far I've been reading Saiunkoku Mongatari mangas (it's my favourite anime series, the reason I bought myself an erhu, and my brother got me the first 3 books for Christmas), but I'm done! They're so easy to read, especialy when you already know the story... it makes me so happy! I've finally seen Hoju 'Kijin' Kou's face, and I'm anticipating the introduction of my favourite character Ryuuren Ran *hopefully* in the next book. It's insane how much I love this fantasy world. It's just beautiful in every way...

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